Sweet and Spicy Pickles

1 gallon dill pickles
1 (5 ounce) bottle hot pepper sauce (e.g. Tabasco™)
5 cloves garlic, chopped
1 (5 pound) bag of white sugar*

Drain the brine from the pickles and discard. Slice pickles in thick slices and return them to the jar. Pour in the hot pepper sauce, and add the garlic. Pour in about 1/3 of the sugar. Close the lid tightly. Gently tip the jar back and forth several times to allow everything to mix well. Leave out on the counter at room temperature for about 1 week.

During the week, add more sugar as the sugar in the jar dissolves. Gently tip the jar back and forth to mix. Continue the process throughout the week, until you have added enough so the juice covers the pickles.  Pickles will be dark green and crispy. Store in the refrigerator, and consume within one month.

*I didn’t use all the sugar.  Next time I might keep enough brine to cover half the pickles so I can try it with even less sugar.

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