Rainbow Jello

6 3 ounce boxes Jello (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
7 cups plus 2 tablespoons water, divided
3 cups sour cream

Work one color at a time. 

Boil one cup water then mix in first packet of Jello.  Stir for 2 minutes to dissolve all Jello.  Pour liquid into measuring cup.

In a bowl, add ½ cup sour cream.  Slowly add half the Jello mixture, stirring constantly to blend evenly.

Pour sour cream and Jello mixture into 9x13 pan.  Refrigerate until set – about 30-45 minutes.

Add 3 tablespoons water to remaining Jello mixture.  Pour over sour cream layer and refrigerate until set.

Repeat for remaining 5 colors of Jello.

Made for Kellen’s class, 30 9 ounce cups and quadrupled this recipe and had plenty for all cups with a little leftover.

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