THM Food Prep -- To make life easier!

Boil and peel eggs.

If you're really feeling productive, make deviled eggs to munch on all week.

Pre-portion 1 oz nuts into snack bags.  Nuts can stall weight loss so try to stick with one snack bag a day.

All breakfast cakes can be made into muffins -- I am just lazy and it's easier to pour it into a pan.

Make one big breakfast at the beginning of the week to eat all week (cake, egg casserole, etc.)

Pre-cook bacon or sausage to grab and go for breakfast/snack with boiled eggs.

On Monday (or Sunday or whenever), for dinner make roast chicken and veggies -- roast enough chicken to have leftovers for quick salads for lunch all week.

On Monday, for dinner make a giant pot of soup so you have leftovers for lunches.

On Monday, make a dessert that will make enough for you to have a little bit all week.

On Monday, pre-chop veggies (carrots, celery, cucumbers, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli) to have for snacking and salads through the week.

Anytime you make dinner, cook extra so you have leftovers to eat that week or freeze for later.

Keep a snack in your car/purse/desk in case you get caught without one when you need it.

Almond milk
Lunch meat
Fresh and frozen fruit
Fresh munchie veggies
Hot sauce
Beef sticks
Lily's chocolate bars
Lily's chocolate chips*
Cocoa powder

Less "normal" staples:
Stevia and/or other sugar-free sweeteners
Whey protein powder
Collagen powder
Almond flour
Coconut flour
Ground golden flax seed

*When I first started sugar-free, I was CRAVING something after meals, I always felt unsatisfied.  I started having just a small amount of Lily's chocolate chips after a meal (S meal) and it completely cured those feelings.  I still have some once in awhile but that got me through the initial transition.

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